Sunday, December 20, 2009

Please Read - Great advice to parents from Bob Baldwin HCYA Coach

I think this is a good reminder for us. I have noticed there have been a few parents slipping into a spirit of negativity. - Dan

Advice for Parents

Dec 11

Written by: Bob Baldwin
12/11/2008 10:33 PM

1. Please don't shout advice to your player during the game. Shout encouragement? You bet. A steady stream of technique suggestions, though, has no value. Your insightful tips may conflict with my instruction.

2. Please don't harass the refs. Parents that loudly harass the referee are embarrassing to the player and the team.

When a parent makes a spectacle of himself at a game, the player is embarrassed. If the ref is being reamed by a parent for a bad call (by definition, a bad call is any decision made against the parent's child), what does the player learn? He learns that the mistake wasn't his fault. It was the result of poor officiating. This is a bad habit to get into.

Don't encourage your child to place the blame for their failures upon others. One of the benefits of playing sports is learning to accept responsibility instead of making excuses.

Sometimes a call is hard to take for whatever reason. Such times are tests of emotional control. If a player can learn to bite his lip and move on, a parent can learn to sit quietly for a moment and let the emotion pass. Learning to cope with disappointment is a valuable life skill.

3. Don't blame the coach for your child's problems or lack of playing time. Your child's struggles to succeed are your child's problems. Let him work them out without your interference. A player has every right to ask a coach what needs to be done to earn more playing time, for example. But a parent stepping in to demand playing time is another thing altogether.

4. Please don't talk bad about the coach in front of your child. The worst thing a parent can do is take pot shots at the coach, criticizing decisions, and complaining about his leadership. Support the coach and stand behind his decisions.

5. Please don't razz the other team's players. The other team's players should be considered off limits. Yelling at or deriding someone else's child is a shameful practice for an adult at a sporting event. Parents who intend to disrupt, distract or upset players exhibit the worst of poor sportsmanship.

As a parent, be involved in a positive way. Attend your child's games as often as you can. Cheer for all the kids on the team. Help with fund raising. Assist with logistics. If you're not sure how to help, ask the coach.

There is probably a hundred ways to be a good team member and a good parent at the same time. When the larger definition of team is working well, the experience can be wonderful for everyone involved. People who see our program in action will want to be a part of it. Parents looking ahead to when their child will be old enough to participate will want to fit in and help. This kind of teamwork perpetuates itself. Once it gets momentum, it can be quite a force. It just takes parents who care.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

December BVCHEA Basketball Committee Meeting Dec 21 Beginning at Noon

The Basketball Committee Meeting for December will be held on Monday December 21 from 12 noon to 1:30pm at J Cody's in Bryan. Our meeting are open to parents and players. The committee is made up of elected positions, coaches, and team moms. We will eat lunch at the meeting (Dutch treat). The following are some of the items that we will be discussing.

Committee Reports
Athletic Director
C What You Got Tournament Close-out
Team Updates form coaches/team moms
New Business
Registration Packets
Payment Schedule
Committee, Coaches, and Team Mom Discounts
Pro-rated fees
Admission fees at games
Victoria Tournament
State Tournament
National Tournament
Family who are behind on regular season fees
Timing of next season fees charge
Team mom responsibilities

If you have other items please let me know


You can find this and other information about our basketball program at

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Message from Lance Jackson on "Use of gym and safety"

A Message from Lance Jackson on "Use of gym and safety"

Note from Dan (Lincoln Center Rules)
No player (including the Varsity Teams) can be practicing in the inside gym unless there is an adult (21 years or older) supervising

Do not leave siblings unattended and do not expect the coaches to supervise the siblings of players.

Keep close supervision of your children during basketball games and practices.

It is not a safe idea to allow your child to be outside of the building unsupervised.

Here is Lance's message:

Just a safety tip...please make sure that we have adequate and mature supervision in the gymnasium while practice is on-going. I do understand the family inclusive nature of BVCHEA. Coaches do not have time to monitor all non-players in the gym. Nor should they have to. I will encourage BVCHEA to have at least one adult at each practice as a safety monitor. Someone who is fully aware of how the space in the gym should be used. Unattended and unsupervised children are not a good idea, especially when practice is going on. Leaving siblings in the company of other siblings @ practice is not a good idea as well.
I try to instill many precautionary measures and take steps to avoid any potential accidents. A so-called safety monitor can help me keep the gym as safe as possible. I need to be made aware of anything that might hurt or harm our athletes, by-standers and fans.
Please also check your members roster. Athletes with memberships and coaches have access. Those who do not have a current membership should not be at practices unless necessary and through parental consent.
On occasion. the staff can have equipment inside the gymnasium prior to BVCHEA arrival. If this present a problem or obstruction in any way...please let me know immediately, I will personally take care of the matter. Do not remove the items on your own.
Thank you for you cooperation..with love,

Friday, November 27, 2009

Congratulations and Reminders

I wanted to thank the BVCHEA Basketball Community for their Christ-Like Character that was exhibited at our first home game against St Joseph and several away games. I observed for the most part excellent restraint in our attitudes and the use our tongues. Keep up the good work.

Also I wanted to ask players and parents to dig out the papers that they signed in September and review one more time the codes of conduct that we expect from everyone. If you have a complaint remember we have adapted a writtten complaint policy that can be found in the links of this Blog. If you have questions please feel free to call me.

Happy Thanksgiving


Friday, November 13, 2009

Saturday November 14 No Open Gym at the Lincoln Center

We will not be having the open gym at the Lincoln Center for the next few weeks. We will let you know when we start up again.


You can see information on BVCHEA basketball on our Blog

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Your Help Expected with Run with the Mustangs This Weekend Saturday Nov 14

Please wear your BVCHEA Basketball Tee Shirts to this event.

All BVCHEA Basketball Players are expected to come and help with the "Run with the Mustangs" 5K Race. Show-up at 7am this Saturday November 14 to help. We will assign you tasks when you arrive.

If you can not make it to help I expect the player or parent to email me at

The race will begin between the Rosenthal Meat Science and Technology Building and the Kleberg Animal Science Center. Please meet at that place a 7am to help. A map has been posted at the Blog


All BVCHEA Basketball Information has been posted at blog

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Details on the C What You Got Tournament

Following is information on the C-What-U-Got Tournament. Please review carefully and distribute to your coaches and parents.


Most of the information on the tournament is contained on the website at:


Parking on Friday at Texas A&M is not free. You must either purchase a day permit or use the parking garage. This is explained in detail on the web site.

If you want a day parking permit, send an email to us at before by noon Wednesday, November the 4th. We will have volunteers outside in the parking lot (100i) to give you your day pass. They will need to collect $10.00 from you at that time. Cash or checks only.

Parking on Saturday is free


If you need any help with hotels let us know. There many choices in town, and many new hotels.

Tournament Rules

Tournament rules: clocks, game time, etc. are on the web site. Tie breakers in Pool play will be head-to-head competition. Second tie breaker will be point differential. (Maximum 15 points per game).

Balls, Clocks, and Books

Home teams will provide game ball (or agree on a game ball with the visiting team).

Home team will have the official book. Please work with the clock operator and the visiting team to verify points, fouls, etc at quarter breaks.

We would like every visiting team to provide a someone to run the clock. We will have clock operator at the games, but we always need more help. If you don't have someone who can run the clock, please let me know.


I have heard no more problems with the schedule, so we will consider version 4, sent out Thursday night - final.


Please help us get the scores posted. We will have a scoring table at the Rec Center. Home team will be responsible to see that the score is reported. The score can also be texted to 979-492-3993

Inside the Rec Center

Please keep your player and siblings in the 4 gym area where the games are played. Please don't allow them to roam the Rec Center. Also remember that only plastic bottles are allowed in the Rec center and food should not be taken inside the gyms. Please help us keep the gyms clean and picked up.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Gate Fees and Directions to the Rec Center to Our Tournament

Gate fees for the tournament are:

  • $25.00 - Full Tournament pass for a family
  • $12.50 - Day Tournament pass for family
  • $5.00 - Day Tournament pass for an individual
  • $2.50 - Day Tournament pass for an student
  • Children 5 and under are free

Directions to the Texas A&M Recreation Center

From the south/west - (Caldwell on highway 21).

  • As you near Bryan take highway 47 south into College Station
  • Merge right with Highway 60 and travel east
  • After passing Easterwood airport, take a right onto FM 2818 and travel south
  • after about 1 mile and turn left onto George Bush Drive
  • Before reaching Olsen field (the baseball field) turn left onto Olsen Drive
  • On Friday - pass the rec-center and enter the parking garage
  • On Saturday - enter parking Lot (100K)

From the North or South - (Highway 6).

  • In College Station turn on Harvey Road (Highway 30) and travel west.
  • After about 2 miles, turn right on Texas Ave.
  • After about 500 yards - turn left on George Bush Ave.
  • After you pass the main campus (on the right), cross the tracks, pass Olsen field, and turn right on Olsen Drive.
  • On Friday - pass the rec center and enter the parking garage
  • On Saturday - enter parking Lot (100K)

Time to sign-up to help with the C What You Got Tournament

In order to get free entrance to all tournament games you family will need to commit to helping for 2 hours each day. It can be split up between family members.
Please email the following people to indicate that you plan to help them. Sign-up by contacting these people.

Gate and admission to the tournament -
Christina Branscum

Parking attendants on Friday - David Vanadore,

Recording brackets and scores - Terri Homan

Cooking - Terry Hoelscher

Concessions - Dan Hale and Jud Allen

Game Clock - Jud Allen

You can always see the latest BVCHEA Basketball information and important links to documents and forms at the

C What You Got Basketball Tournament

The Schedule for out Tournament is out. It can be downloaded from the Blog Remember it will be held November 6 and 7 at the Texas A&M University Rec Center. There will be a few games on Saturday at the Lincoln Center. In a furtue blog message we will be putting out a volunteer list . Every family that volunteers for two hours of work at the tournament each day will get free admission.

You can always see the latest BVCHEA Basketball information and important links to documents and forms at the

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

BVCHEA Basketball Committee Meeting at Aldersgate UMC on Monday October 19 at 7pm

Everyone is invited to attend out Basketball Committee Meeting that will be held October 19 at 7pm at Aldersgate UMC. Our most important item of business will be the C What You Got Basketball Tournament.

See you then

Friday, September 18, 2009

BVCHEA Basketball Committee Meeting at College Station Public Library on Monday Sept. 21 7pm

BVCHEA Basketball Committee Meeting at Monday Sept. 21 7pm at College Station Public Library

The BVCHEA Basketball Committee will be meeting this coming Monday September 21 at 7pm. Still confirming but we are planning to meet at the College Station Public Library. We will be discussing the coming season, the C What You Got Tournament, and player policies. Most importantly we will go through the Uniforms and then dispersing them to the teams. All committees are open to all.

Thanks Dan

As always you can see all the latest news at

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

BVCHEA Basketball Committee Meeting at Monday Sept. 21 7pm at A&M Church of Christ (place still being confirmed)

The BVCHEA Basketball Committee will be meeting this coming Monday September 21 at 7pm. Still confirming but we are planning to meet at A&M Church of Christ. We will be discussing the coming season, the C What You Got Tournament, and player policies. Most importaqntly we will go through the Uniforms and then dispersing them to the teams. All committees are open to all.

Thanks Dan

As always you can see all the latest news at

Sunday, August 30, 2009

BVCHEA Basketball Season Sign-up and Mandatory Meeting

BVCHEA Basketball Season Sign-up and Mandatory Meeting

September 1, 2009 at Aldersgate Church 7pm-9pm

We will Serve Hot Dogs, Chips and Drinks at 7pm

When: September 1, 2009 7pm-9pm

Where: Aldersgate United Methodist Church next to Gander Mountain

Who: Players and Parents of Boys and Girls 8 years old to 19 years old that are home schooled and

This is a mandatory meeting for all parents who will have children playing in the BVCHEA Basketball Program this fall and spring.  We will have a player sign-up this night.  For the 2009-10 season we will have teams for all boys and girls age groups from 4th grade (8 or 9 years old) to Seniors (18 or 19 years old).

For those parents who are still considering the possibility of signing up their children and have questions, this would be the time to come and learn more about the program and get your questions answered.  We will discuss the season, coaches, practice, fees, and player, parent, and coach expectations for the coming year.

The entire family is welcome to come and eat with us. Parents must supervise children at all times

This is a competitive program that plays other public, private, and homeschool programs.  Official practice will begin sometime on or  after September 14.  The Regular Season will last until  January 31 and there are optional post season activities that go through March 20, 2010.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

September 1 - Mandatory Parents Meeting and Player Sign-up - free hot dogs

Mandatory Parents Meeting and Player Sign-up September 1 - free hot dogs
On September 1, 2009, Tuesday, beginning at 7pm we will have each player sign-up and present important information for all homeschool families who are interested in playing basketball next season.
Come and sign-up your child.
If you want more information first, this is the perfect meeting for you to get that information.
Parents and players and siblings are invited (parents will be responsible for supervising their own children at all times).
This event will be held at Aldersgate United Methodist Church which is located across the East Pass from Post Oak Mall, next to Gander Mountain.
The only fees that will be collecting on this night will be the BVCHEA Membership $20 and Lincoln Center Membership $20
Free Hot Dog, Chips and Drinks
Discuss Season, Present Coaches, All Season, Post Season, and National Fees
BVCHEA, Lincoln Center and Basketball Team Sign-up
Overview of BVCHEA Basketball
Teams, Games, Tournaments, Costs and Fund Raising
If you have Questions please call Dan Hale 979-587-9245

JV and Varsity Boys Skills Assessment Saturday August 29 9-12noon at the Lincoln Center

JV and Varsity Boys Skills Assessment August 29
All boys from 14 to 19 that are homeschooled that want to play basketball on either the Varsity or JV Boys Teams are asked to come to a skills assessment at the Lincoln Recreation Center Saturday August 29 from 9am to noon. Jud Allen will be coordinating this effort . If you have questions please call Jud at 979-777-8764.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Three Big BVCHEA Basketball Events Between Now and September 1!

The Three Big Events by Date
1.  Pony Express Basketball Camp - August 20 and 21 9-12 noon Lincoln Center
2. Varsity and JV Boys Skills Assessment - August 29 9-12 noon Lincoln Center
3. Mandatory Player Sign-up and Parents Meeting - September 1 7-9pm Aldersgate UMC free hot dogs, chips and drinks for the entire family.

More Detail on Each below

Pony Express August 20-21
The BVCHEA Mustang Basketball will be hosting the annual Pony Express Basketball Camp for all boys and girls from 9 years old to 13 years old at the Lincoln Center. Kenny Prescott will be the director of the camp and Dan Hale will be taking registrations
When: August 20-21 9am to 12 noon both day
Who: Boys and Girls 8 years old to 13 years old
What: A fun experience that will teach basketball skills to children
Cost: $18 for both days or $10 for a single day. 
If you are not a member of the Lincoln Center then there will be an added cost of $2.50
for a day pass.
How to Register: Call Dan Hale 979-587-9245 or email him at
Important: All parents will need to sign a medical release form before the child can participate!

JV and Varsity Boys Skills Assessment August 29
All boys from 14 to 19 that are homeschooled that want to play basketball on either the Varsity or JV Boys Teams are asked to come a skills assessment at the Lincoln Recreation Center Saturday August 29 from 2am to noon.  Jud Allen will be coordinating this effort .  If you have questions please call Jud at 979-777-8764.

Mandatory Parents Meeting and Player Sign-up September 1 - free hot dogs
On September 1, 2009, Tuesday, beginning at 7pm we will have each player sign-up and present important information for all homeschool families who are interested in playing basketball next season. 
Come and sign-up your child.
If you want more information first, this is the perfect meeting for you to get that information.
Parents and players and siblings are invited (parents will be responsible for supervising their own children at all times). 
This event will be held at Aldersgate United Methodist Church which is located across the East Pass from Post Oak Mall, next to Gander Mountain.
The only fees that will be collecting on this night will be the BVCHEA Membership $20 and Lincoln Center Membership $20
Free Hot Dog, Chips and Drinks
Discuss Season, Present Coaches, All Season, Post Season, and National Fees
BVCHEA, Lincoln Center and Basketball Team Sign-up
Overview of BVCHEA Basketball
Teams, Games, Tournaments, Costs and Fund Raising
If you have Questions please call Dan Hale 979-587-9245

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pony Express Basketball Camp August 20-21 at the Lincoln Center

The BVCHEA Mustang Basketball will be hosting the annual Pony Express Basketball Camp for all boys and girls from 9 years old to 13 years old. Kenny Prescott will be the director of the camp and Dan Hale will be taking registrations

When: August 20-21 9am to 12 noon both day
Where: Lincoln Recreation Center in College Station
Who: Boys and Girls 9 years old to 13 years old
(you do not have to be a member of BVCHEA to participate)
What: A fun experience that will teach basketball skills to children
Cost: $18 for both days or $10 for a single day.
If you are not a member of the Lincoln Center then there will be an added cost of $2.50
for a day pass.
How to Register: Call Dan Hale 979-587-9245 or email him at

Important: All parents will need to sign a medical release form before the child can participate!

Please help get the word out.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Open Gym Monday August 10 and August 17 Navasota 3-5 pm Open to all Home School Students 9-19

The BVCHEA Basketball Committee will be holding an open gym at the Navasota First Baptist Church for the next two Monday's from 3-5pm. On August 10 and August 17, Brad Clark and some of the other coaches will be available to work with players on individual Basketball skills and conditioning. This is open to all Home School boys and girls from 9-19 years old.

This is a voluntary open gym for those students who want to begin to work on their basketball skills.

For more information call Dan Hale 979-587-9245

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Next BVCHEA Basketball Committee meeting will be later in August -Place and Time will be announced soon

We will not be having our next BVCHEA committee meeting this week (Not - August 6).

It will be held at towards the end of August. We are still working on the time and place and will relay that to you as soon as possible.



Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Reminder Player and Coaches Clinic August 1 in Navasota conducted by HCYA

Tom Sanders and the HCYA team of coaches will be performing another basketball player and coaches clinic. The clinic is being coordinated by Jud Allen. It will be held August 1 from 8:30am-11:30am at the Navasota First Baptist gym. Players and coaches will get a first hand look at how HCYA conducts their practices. This is open to all boys and girls ages 10-18. If you have questions call Dan Hale 979-587-9245.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Player/Coaches Clinic taught by HCYA August 1 at Navasota FBC 8:30-11:30am

Tom Sanders and the HCYA team of coaches will be performing another basketball player and coaches clinic. The clinic is being coordinated by Jud Allen. It will be held August 1 from 8:30am-11:30am at the Navasota First Baptist gym. Players and coaches will get a first hand look at how HCYA conducts their practices. This is open to all boys and girls ages 10-18. If you have questions call Dan Hale 979-587-9245.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tom Sanders coming back August 1 in the Morning Coaches Clinic and Practice

The exact time and place have not been confirmed but I wanted you to know that on August 1 we will be having another Coaches Clinic and Player Practice with Tom Sanders and the folks at HCYA.

If you are interested both girls and boys are invited 10-18 years of age. Keep watching for the next blog and email



Going to Visit HCYA Practice July 20 Monday

I plan to go and observe one of HCYA practices on Monday July 20. I will leave the Lincoln Center at 3pm for anyone who wants to follow me. They also invites the children to go as well at a cost of $5.

The practice will be Mondays 5 -8 pm. $5/boy. Truitt Middle school in northwest Houston. I am ckecking to see if it is open to girls. I will have room for a few to ride with me. I would like parents and children to attend not just children by themselves.



Sunday, June 28, 2009

BVCHEA Basketball Committee Meeting July 9, 7pm at Aldersgate Church

The Basketball Committee will be conducting a committee meeting on July 9. It will be held at 7:00pm at Aldersgate Chruch. This is an open meeting. If you have an item that you would like us to consider please email Dan Hale at

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Reminder June13 Parent/Player Clinic with Tom Sanders of HCYA

You are invited to our parent/player/coach clinic June 13, 9:00 a.m. at A&M Church of Christ on the east by-pass, south of Academy.

On June 13 Tom will start out addressing the parents and players. After that, he will conduct a practice with the attending players. He wants girls and boys 8-18 years old to attend. If you need to bring younger siblings, they are welcome, but they must remain under your supervision at all times. The practice should be finished about noon.

This event is open to all past, present, and future homeschool families.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 9 7pm Aldersgate - Basketball Awards and Parent Orientation - Free Hot Dogs

On June 9, 2009, Tuesday, beginning at 7pm we will give out the Basketball Awards for last season and present important information for all homeschool families who are interested in playing basketball next season. If you have a boy or girl age 9 to 18 come and check out our Basketball program.

Parents and players and siblings are invited (parents will be responsible for supervising their own children at all times).

This event will be held at Aldersgate United Methodist Church which is located across the East Pass from Post Oak Mall, next to Gander Mountain.

Free Hot Dog, Chips and Drinks
Presentation of Awards for all Basketball Teams
Overview of BVCHEA Basketball
Program Philosophy
Season Details including Teams, Games, Tournaments, Projected Costs and Fund Raising

One of our goals is to help you begin your fund raising earlier this year.
Also, we will ask parents to fill out a non-binding letter of intent for each potential player so we can get an idea as to the teams we will have next season.

If you have Questions please call Dan Hale 979-587-9245

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Varsity Boys and Varsity Girls first game of the Summer League this week

June 1 the girls will play two games beginning at 6:00pm Brazos Christian School first against Brazos Christian and the second against Snook

June 2 the varsity boys will play a game against BCS 1 at 7:30pm at Brazos Christian School

June 4 the varsity boys will play Snook at Brazos Christian School at 5:10pm

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Changed Date for the HCYA Speaker to June 13

Tom Sanders had a conflict come up for next week's scheduled parent/player/coach clinic. Therefore we are moving it back to June 13, 9:00 a.m. at A&M Church of Christ on the east by-pass.
On June 13 Tom will start out addressing the parents and players. After that, he will conduct a practice with the attending players. He wants girls and boys 8-18 years old to attend. If you need to bring younger siblings, they are welcome, but they must remain under your supervision. The practice should be finished about noon.

This event is open to all homeschool families.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Two Big BVCHEA Basketball Events June 6 and June 9 Both Open to All Homeschoolers

There will be two special events for all interested homeschoolers.

June 6, 9:00 am A&M Church of Christ - Tom Sanders HCYA
Tom Sanders of HCYA (Houston Homeschool Group) will be coming to talk to parents and players about how to develop players in basketball and in life. Tom Sanders coaches the varsity boys team for HCYA and has children (boys and girls) playing at the high school, college, and professional level. Tom will also run a practice with the attending players (boys and girls). The meeting is expected to adjourn at noon.

June 9, 7:00pm Aldersgate UMC - Next Basketball Season Parents Meeting - Free Hot Dogs
We will be having a very important parent meeting to discuss the upcoming season. At that meeting you will learn about the estimated player fees, hear about fund raising opportunities that will begin this summer, hear about the philosophy of the basketball program, and be provided other important information about the season. Players and other family members are welcome but must be under the parents full supervision. We will have hot dogs, chips, drinks and cookies for all attending the meeting.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Reminder May 26 7pm Committee Meeting for the BVCHEA Basketball

The committee will be meeting to discuss the June 9 Parent Meeting and June 6 HCYA Meeting. As always all Basketball Committee meetings are open to the public. We will meet at Aldersgate UMC at May 26 7pm.



Wednesday, May 20, 2009

BVCHEA Sports Award Program Postponed to a Future Date

Heard this afternoon that the May 23 BVCHEA Sports Award Program will be moved to a later date. The new date and time will be announced soon.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

BVCHEA Basketball Blog - Web Site

A Blog has been set-up to allow for easy, one-place viewing of items regarding BVCHEA Basketball.

The Blog can be viewed at

It will have events, business items and basketball related updates and important web site links.

June 29- July 3 Don Eddy Christian Basketball Camp Dan Hale has $30 off Coupons

Over the years Don Eddy has been conducting Christian Basketball Camps all over the United States. Several of our players have gone to the clinic in Brenham.

This year through the efforts of BVCHEA and Brazos Christian School they have decided to come to Bryan/College Station.

The camp will be
June 29-July 3 at Brazos Christian at 3000 West Villa Maria Rd Bryan 77807 cost $188 for a five day camp M-F 830-400, for 8 to 18 year old boys and girls.

I have $30 off coupons for any BVCHEA member registration. You can get a coupon from me at either next weeks Agility, Speed, and Strength camp or at the Awards Program on May 23 9am at the Lincoln Center.

Here is the web site were you can get more information.

June 9 7pm Aldersgate - Important Parent Meeting for Next Season - free Hot Dogs

On June 9 2009 (Tuesday) the BVCHEA Basketball Committee will hold a very important meeting for parents and players to discuss next years season. One of the big items will be fund raising for families. Also, we will discuss teams, the season, and tournaments, ask for help with specific tasks, and get feedback on last year's season.

The meeting will begin at 7pm at Aldersgate United Methodist Church. We will serve hot dogs, chips, and drinks to all free of charge. It is important for you to be at the meeting as we need your input and we want to get an earlier start on fund raising and on getting the teams established.

June 6 - Parent and Player Clinic for BVCHEA Basketball

Beginning at 9am on June 6 at A&M Church of Christ Tom Sanders will meet with parents to discuss with us his and HCYA's philosophy on player development, style of play, and logistics of the HCYA organization.

This is opened to all interested parents. You do not have to be a BVCHEA member or currently have a player on a team to attend.

Tom Sanders has been coaching Home School Basketball for many years, has had several children that have gone through the HCYA program and currently has children on college and professional teams. He is the head coach of the HCYA Boys Varsity Basketball Team.

The tentative schedule will be (subject to change)
9:00am Parents meeting (children must stay with parents)
10:00am Tom will conduct a practice with the children
11:30am Wrap-up
12 noon Tom will meet with the BVCHEA Basketball Committee

We encourage you to come hear Tom and ask questions.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

BVCHEA Basketball

This blog will allow for easy access to important information, dates and web site links for the Brazos Valley Christian Home Educators Basketball group.