BVCHEA Basketball Program T-Shirts and Sweatshirts GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT

Information on Player and Family T-Shirts

  • T-Shirt Designs are below
  • Each player on a team gets one red short-sleeve t-shirt at no cost to the player.
  • Team parents and/or team coaches will be asking you for the t-shirt size of your son or daughter.  (Do not order player shirts below.  This is only for extra / family T-shirts).

For Family and extra t-shirts - we are taking orders via PayPal.  To order multiple items, fill out the form and hit add to cart then by clicking on continue shopping you will be able to order another shirt before you check out of pay pal.  Verify your cart in PayPal before your final check out.

Fill out the one of the forms below and then checkout.  The second button/form is for the XXL sizes.

Note - T-Shirt Purchase is now closed for the first order!

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