Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Message from Lance Jackson on "Use of gym and safety"

A Message from Lance Jackson on "Use of gym and safety"

Note from Dan (Lincoln Center Rules)
No player (including the Varsity Teams) can be practicing in the inside gym unless there is an adult (21 years or older) supervising

Do not leave siblings unattended and do not expect the coaches to supervise the siblings of players.

Keep close supervision of your children during basketball games and practices.

It is not a safe idea to allow your child to be outside of the building unsupervised.

Here is Lance's message:

Just a safety tip...please make sure that we have adequate and mature supervision in the gymnasium while practice is on-going. I do understand the family inclusive nature of BVCHEA. Coaches do not have time to monitor all non-players in the gym. Nor should they have to. I will encourage BVCHEA to have at least one adult at each practice as a safety monitor. Someone who is fully aware of how the space in the gym should be used. Unattended and unsupervised children are not a good idea, especially when practice is going on. Leaving siblings in the company of other siblings @ practice is not a good idea as well.
I try to instill many precautionary measures and take steps to avoid any potential accidents. A so-called safety monitor can help me keep the gym as safe as possible. I need to be made aware of anything that might hurt or harm our athletes, by-standers and fans.
Please also check your members roster. Athletes with memberships and coaches have access. Those who do not have a current membership should not be at practices unless necessary and through parental consent.
On occasion. the staff can have equipment inside the gymnasium prior to BVCHEA arrival. If this present a problem or obstruction in any way...please let me know immediately, I will personally take care of the matter. Do not remove the items on your own.
Thank you for you cooperation..with love,

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