Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Two Big BVCHEA Basketball Events June 6 and June 9 Both Open to All Homeschoolers

There will be two special events for all interested homeschoolers.

June 6, 9:00 am A&M Church of Christ - Tom Sanders HCYA
Tom Sanders of HCYA (Houston Homeschool Group) will be coming to talk to parents and players about how to develop players in basketball and in life. Tom Sanders coaches the varsity boys team for HCYA and has children (boys and girls) playing at the high school, college, and professional level. Tom will also run a practice with the attending players (boys and girls). The meeting is expected to adjourn at noon.

June 9, 7:00pm Aldersgate UMC - Next Basketball Season Parents Meeting - Free Hot Dogs
We will be having a very important parent meeting to discuss the upcoming season. At that meeting you will learn about the estimated player fees, hear about fund raising opportunities that will begin this summer, hear about the philosophy of the basketball program, and be provided other important information about the season. Players and other family members are welcome but must be under the parents full supervision. We will have hot dogs, chips, drinks and cookies for all attending the meeting.

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