Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Reminder nominations and candidate leadership applications are due by April 26

The basketball committee office of treasure is up for election this April. This a reminder that nominations and the candidates leadership application needs to be submitted by April 26. Please send nominations and the leadership application email to Gretchen Hanson slohgloh@yahoo.com The leadership application is required for the nomination process.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Coaches and Season Online survey

The following web address will take you to an online survey that will give you the opportunity to comment on the coach(s) of your child's basketball team and to provide your input about the basketball season to the basketball committee. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/38M2QJB On this blog bvcheabb.blogspot.com, these is a link to your right as you face the screen. Please enter your comments and suggestions in the appropriate text boxes. This is a completely anonymous survey. Your comments will be seriously considered by the basketball committee. At the end of the survey make sure you click the button DONE to submit the survey. PLEASE FILL OUT A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH COACH AND TEAM THAT YOU WISH TO COMMENT ON. We will take comments for the next two weeks until April 16, 2012. Thank you